CertiLingua, a common aim


by Camilla Podini

– Ten girls and a common aim: an european label of excellence, the CertiLingua. Being enrolled at a languages high school and attending the last year it’s not enough: B2 level in two foreign languages, a stage or a exchange experience, at least seventy hours of CLIL courses and three meetings (October, February and April) with a referent, they are the main to be able to start the climb.
Prof. Cignatta has always been kind and helpful showing us the complex dossier which we have to write and send to Rome on July. The project, which should last almost eight pages of Word, will be based on our personal reflection about the exchange or the stage we joined and will be written in language. There will also be a presentation where we will describe our course of study, pointing out the growth and the skills we have obtained during these last five years.
The CertiLingua is an important award both for students and for schools, which can address pupils to get B2 certifications and to join a foreign experience since the first year. Awarded school-leavers will have an easier access to international courses, universities and jobs.
Wish me and my nine classmates lots of luck and fingers crossed!

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