PANDEMIC AGE/Are we back?

We could define normality as a person’s consistent and methodical behavior. Since our stability has violently been broken, could we portray the post-pandemic era as a return to normality? 

This process has surely been difficult for many people but eventually we managed to get back to our daily routines, mostly because we have been forced to. Otherwise, life would be so hard. 

During the pandemic we mostly realized that life is indeed precious and we should cherish every second of it. COVID-19 was scary for everyone because it was a major worldwide pandemic and many people died due to it. It has been though to stay at home all day, everyday, and circumstances just kept on getting worse since people couldn’t go out and have fun nor see their friends and families. At that time education was online and it is mostly assumed that it was a waste of time.

In 2023, I can’t really define this period as an actual return to life before pandemic. That’s because people are still fighting that virus and it will never completely go away. This is the reason why strengthening our immune systems is necessary to protect ourselves from the virus. 

According to (WHO) World Health Organization, a huge portion of global population, six million people, died from COVID – 19. There are still other viruses that humanity keeps on dealing with and many other issues going on in the world.

Maybe what really helps people return to normality is the struggle against problems itself. 


Author: Karin Değirmenci, Turkey